
An app to create always-on-top desktop reminders


There are many macOS reminder apps. But the problem with these apps, in my opinion, is that sometimes the reminders (especially the important ones) get buried in the noise, and there’s a higher chance of missing them. So, for scenarios like these, you would want these reminders, sort of, “in your face” so you wouldn’t miss a reminder.

DeskMinder, a macOS app, which I recently discovered, does exactly that. It lets you create reminders of any duration (not more than 99 minutes) using a sleek desktop widget that stays on top of every window. And when the time expires, it shows a full-screen notification with the message in the reminder. You can also go with the regular macOS notification from the app’s preferences.

As you can tell, you can effortlessly create multiple reminders, set the time, and the app will show the progress of the reminder in the widget. Pretty handy! You can always delete the reminder if you don’t want it anymore.

The widget can also be customized to some extent. For instance, you can change the size of the widget, keep it always on top, change its appearance in dark/light mode, etc. You can also easily move the widget across the screen as per your convenience.

One thing I really like about this app is its sync with Apple Reminders. So, you can get notifications on your Apple Watch or iPhone via Apple Reminders integration which is pretty useful if you ask me.

The only downside I can think of here is the size of this app which is a bit big for my taste. But I think it’s a good app overall and the developer told me they are working on this aspect and it will be improved soon.

So, if you’re in the market looking for a reminder app, I would highly recommend giving this app a try!

→ Try DeskMinder

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