In today’s world of remote work and friends living in different time zones, sometimes it’s hard to keep up with the time. If you’re working with international clients, you might also want to stay up to date with their time zones.
That’s where this called There, which I recently stumbled upon, comes in handy.
It’s a simple app that lets you track the local timezone of the people you care about. The app is open-source as well. So, it’s a bonus!
The UI of the app is pretty simple. Once installed, you can add the name of the person and their timezone (by searching through available timezones) from the menubar. All the added people will be shown in the list format along with the flag of their respective countries. You can also set a picture of their Telegram, X, or set your own custom icon.
As you can tell, it’s pretty intuitive. You get to see all the people and their local time at a glance. On top of that, you can also see how much they are ahead or behind you in from your current timezone, which is pretty useful.
I think this is a great app that solves one problem and it solves it well.
→ Try There