I love single-purpose apps that do one thing well. I don’t want apps that do multiple things. Ofcourse, there are some exceptions like the Raycast app but most of the time, I want an app that does one thing and does it well.
For instance, I recently came across this little app called Tyke that I think is a great example of this. It’s a menubar app that allows you to take notes in a no nonsense way.
You hit the Tyke icon in the menubar and ding! it presents you with a scratchpad where you can take notes, write code, or just jot down some random thoughts. And that’s all it does. No complicated preferences or anything like that. I think this can also come in handy in sceanrios where you just want some sort of buffer to paste the text or just want to remove the formatting from the text.
→ Try Tyke